Most people in Utah live in valleys like mine, with soaring mountains immediately to the east. It's because the oldest communities were established at the base of these mountains, to take advantage of streams that run down and irrigate crops.

Or maybe it's just moving the mountain in front of the sun.
Either way, moving mountain or sun, it feels powerful. Even though it's really just a change of location, a change of perspective.
But it reminds me of how powerful it feels to understand the truth about excellent health through nutritarian eating.
It's really just a change of perspective, a shift in my understanding, an adjustment of my attitude and actions based on truth.
The difference in my eating, based on Dr. Fuhrman's teaching, gives me true power, real control over my health.
So is that not a mountain I've moved?
Or maybe it's the sun.
Either way, being in control of my health is a mountain of an accomplishment. Running fast is proof.
In fact, I've experienced a shift in my entire universe.
Thanks, Dr. Fuhrman.
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