Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What If It's True?

So I’m going to engage in some pure speculation here, inspired by my religion, my experience, my impressions, hopes and dreams.

Some day, I believe, the world will be a paradise. Truth will reign supreme, and there will be a perfect ruler at the head.

There will be no war.

Love will be the primary motivation of everyone, because of correct choices in the hearts of all people everywhere.

There will be no sickness or disease.

A thousand years of a perfect society.

And, let’s not forget that perfect ruler at the head, teaching, loving and inspiring by words and example. Never forcing, always judging with perfectly just judgment, helping us learn, love and encourage each other.

Now, it seems to me there’s a congruence here, between the hopes of a nutritarian future for me and for the world as a whole, and the concept of a millennial society. Could it be possible that this is a vein of truth that could be so powerful as to be a part of bringing about the millennial dream?

The title of his former blog and third (fifth?) most recent book make it apparent Dr. Fuhrman thinks it's that powerful. Disease Proof. And, Super Immunity. No sickness or disease. If it’s true, this would be a major part of “The Millenial Dream.” Or, as others would probably prefer to call it, a “Utopian Dream.”

It’s certainly a cherished dream, to live substantially without sickness.

But is it just a dream, or is it a real possibility?

We’re talking about heady stuff here. Impossible stuff, most folks would say.

But wait a minute.


Wouldn’t it be worth checking out, just to see if it’s possible?

There’s some solid evidence here that it could be just exactly that. More than possible, It’s a dream that some people say they’re living.

This is too good to not at least hope for. And to yearn for. To pray, work, learn and act for.

There are also many barriers. And some warning signs. Just because it’s possible, just because there’s evidence and people who have succeeded with this, does not constitute proof. Not yet.

On the other hand, when you’re faced with a possibility of a long and healthy life, vs. the certainty of disease and early death, what would you do?

I have just that choice before me. I visited my doctor two years after my last heart attack, and he gave me no hope for recovery, only for slowing down the certainty of disease progression.

That’s what all the medications he prescribes, the surgeries he’s familiar with, every medical test he uses, are all aimed at.

Slowing down the certain progress of disease. No one, in his opinion, can turn around heart disease. No one has their arteries clear up, they always continue to close off, but at a slower rate if you follow the medical guidelines.

No one.

So I’m doing everything he suggests, and doing lots more. The most important part of “lots more” is eating according to nutritarian principles.

That’s what this is about, the lots more, the hope, and we’ll see if it’s reality, to be healed.

I’m 66. By the time I’m 91 (and long before that) I want clear arteries. A healthy mind. An active, fulfilling life. Bringing along a few friends(especially my best friend) on that same path.

I live for that hope, that part of the millennial dream, to be my life.

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