Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Annette's Story: Diabetes Cured by Nutritarian Eating (that we hadn't even learned about yet)

So there's a story behind our finding, believing and acting on a cure for my heart disease.

It was the cure for my wife Annette's diabetes, through eating basically like what Dr. Fuhrman teaches, though we didn't know about it at the time.

In December of 2007 she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Three months later her blood sugar was normal.

We were hopeful and excited. This was way different than what we’d been told to expect.

Before the diagnosis we only knew Annette didn’t feel good. When her doctor told her she had diabetes we were stunned. Eat too much of the wrong thing, and KABOOM, she felt sick. Not much fun.

Annette went through the standard treatments, took diabetes classes at the hospital, learned how to take blood samples, kept track of blood sugar measurements and what she ate, all the standard stuff.

We realized Annette had it for some time. Her lack of energy and sickness when she ate or when she went too long without eating were all signs of this that we didn’t recognize.

So fast forward to February 2009. Her doctor said, “I’m taking the diabetes diagnosis off your chart. You haven’t had high blood sugar in almost a year, AND YOU’VE DONE IT WITHOUT MEDICATION.”

People tell us it’s unheard of. We think it’s only because they haven’t heard how simple it is, or known anyone who tried the things Annette did.

We spent most of the last two years finding out more and confirming this is valid. We found the proof, confirmed what worked, and more. Part of that proof comes from Dr. Fuhrman, but there's more.

You won’t find this information at the American Diabetes Association or your local diabetes education class.

We were given a book at Annette’s class with a whole bunch of information that we didn’t use. Most doctors don’t know how to do this either.

When Annette’s symptoms went away, her doctor said “I’ve heard of this happening, but I’ve never seen it myself.” And her doctor is a great one, she’s well respected in our community and been in practice for years.

When someone asked “Does that mean the original diagnosis was wrong?” we assured him that no, it wasn’t wrong. That’s how rare recovery is. You tell people you don’t have diabetes any more and they don’t understand.

The answer is no, the diagnosis wasn’t wrong. Annette just didn’t have diabetes long enough for it to get worse or to have any complications. It wasn’t a huge deal because we stopped it, dead in its tracks.

The regular treatment people go through is the wrong answer. We found out that everybody on the American Diabetes Association diet gets worse.

Annette wanted to get better, and everything we heard from the doctor and hospital was there was no feeling better without meds. As for actual healing?

Forget about it, according to standard medical advice (healing is forbidden and controversial word from that perspective).

It turns out what we did was on track, and it worked. It wasn’t an accident either. We found great information, acted on it quickly, with perfect results.

To tell the truth, we had a head start because we had already read The China Study. Then we got lucky and found more helpful information.

We’re glad we didn’t spend a lot of money on expensive treatments, and especially, have the complications of diabetes. We didn’t even spend much on doctor visits. Annette saw the doctor just three times by the time her symptoms went away. Too fast to even get put on meds.

We don’t blame the doctor. Few doctors know about this. We’re just glad we found a better way.

We also didn’t “feed the machine” that advertises and makes billions of dollars off treating diabetes. We also found information that shows it works this well 90+ percent of the time - when you're willing to eat this way.

That’s a win on many fronts. A low-cost cure, that’s medically monitored, safe, consistently effective and benefits us, not some big pharmaceutical company or even insurance or doctors.

If you ever try this, you should definitely tell your doctor. There’s nothing weird or something to hide. Just don’t expect a lot of understanding or support, because if they knew how well this works, they’d be recommending it (and doing it) themselves, thereby losing all professional credibility.

Well, maybe not all. I know many patients would be grateful.

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